I have been working online for about 5 years now, and I have learned many things. In this article I want to share with you some of the best advice I can give you.

First off, I would like to tell you that I have learned these things from experience. I am not trying to teach you how to do it all by yourself. I am just telling you what I did to get started, and what I do now.
1) Make sure your website is optimized for search engines. If you don’t know what that means, then you need to look into it. I will tell you that I have tried many different ways to make my website rank higher in the search engines, but I think the best way is to use SEO software.

2) Use a content management system. I use WordPress because it is easy to use and has a lot of great plugins available for it. You should be able to find a good one for free, or for less than $20.
3) Get a domain name. You should register a domain name before you even start your business. This will be your address for customers to come to when they are searching for information.
4) Register a web hosting account. I use HostGator because they offer a lot of different packages. I have found that their cheapest package is more than enough for me.
5) Get an autoresponder. This is a program that allows you to send out emails to people who have signed up for your list. It is very important to get one, because you can use it to promote your website and other products.
6) Join forums. There are tons of them on the internet. I have joined several, and found them to be very helpful. They allow you to learn new techniques, and also give you a chance to talk to others who are in the same situation as you.
7) Join a mentoring program. There are many programs that offer this type of service. Some charge a fee, while others offer it for free. I have found that the free ones usually offer more help, and better customer service.
8) Learn as much as you can. Read books, articles, and blogs on your topic. The more you learn, the more money you will make.
9) Be consistent. If you want to make money, you must be consistent. Once you have learned the basics of marketing online, you need to put them into action.
10) Have fun! This is your business, so enjoy it.