The world has changed. The way we communicate, buy and sell has changed. We are now able to communicate with people around the world at the touch of a button. There are no more excuses for not having a presence online.
The best way to start your online business is by using video marketing. Video marketing is the fastest growing medium on the internet today. You can easily create a website, get it up and running in minutes. Once you have your website set up you can then add videos to your site.

You can then use video marketing to promote your products and services and build your customer base. In this article I will show you how to use video marketing to make money online.
1) Create Your Video – If you want to make money online you need to create your own video. You do this by creating a video that promotes your product or service. It can be anything from a simple introduction to your product to a full blown sales pitch. Whatever you decide to do you need to have a clear objective for your video. This is very important because if you don’t know what you want to accomplish you won’t know how to get there.
2) Upload Your Video – Once you have created your video you need to upload it to the internet. This is done by uploading your video to YouTube or another video sharing site. You should upload your video to as many sites as possible so that you can get the maximum exposure for your video.
3) Promote Your Video – Once you have uploaded your video you need to promote it. This is done by posting your video to forums, posting it to social networking sites and sending out emails to your list. The more people who see your video the more likely they will buy from you.
4) Build a List – The more people who see your videos the more likely they will buy. To build a list you need to get your prospects email address. The easiest way to do this is by asking them to sign up for your mailing list when they buy from you. This is an easy way to build a list because most people love to receive mail from companies they buy from.